The PEC H2S Clear End User course lasts four hours and prepares those in the industry for the potential dangers of H2S, as well as how to take the proper steps to prevent any issues at workplaces that contain H2S environments. The course meets the classroom requirements of ANSI Z390.1.
This course can be taken on its own or as a predecessor to the PEC Basic Orientation, PEC Basic/10, or PEC Core Compliance courses. No prerequisites are needed for this course, but it is recommended that students take one of the three above listed courses to meet general industry safety awareness requirements.
Make sure your employees have knowledge of standard H2S topics required by regulations with this complete and cost-effective course. Our team is proud to teach companies throughout the Midland & Odessa, TX areas. Register your group today!
The PEC H2S Clear End User course meets minimum industry training requirements on the following:
- Acute and Chronic Health Effects
- Administrative Controls
- API Hazard Conditions
- Buddy System
- Burning, Flaring, and Venting
- Characteristics of Hydrogen Sulfide
- Chemical and Physical Properties
- Company and Worker Responsibilities
- Contingency Plans
- Corrective Actions and Shutdown Procedures
- Detection and Monitoring Methods
- Dispersion Models
- Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Metals
- Emergency Response and Evacuation
- Emerging Technology
- Engineering Controls
- First Aid and Post-Exposure Evaluation
- Hydrogen Sulfide in Confined Spaces
- Hazard Communication for Hydrogen Sulfide
- Hazards of Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide
- Ignition Sources
- Immediate Action Plans
- Methods for Detecting and Monitoring
- Operation of Safety Equipment and Life Support Systems
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
- Recommended Practices for Hydrogen Sulfide Service Operations, Drilling and Servicing Operations, Production Facilities/Fluid Transfer and Maintenance, Offshore Operations and Gas Processing Plants
- Rescue Techniques
- Respiratory Protection
- Routes and Limits of Exposure
- Safe Work Practices
- Sensitivity and Acute and Chronic Health Effects
- Sources of Hydrogen Sulfide
- State and Federal Regulatory Requirements
- Training Requirements
- Transportation
- Ventilation
- Warning Signs and Alarms
- Wind Direction
Students will take written exams to demonstrate knowledge in PEC H2S Clear End user topics.
This course meets the minimum requirements of more than 25 industry-leading oil and gas operators. Once the course is completed successfully, students will receive their PEC photo ID card and be prepared for travel with no downtime.
This program has become the industry standard and certifies a student at awareness level. Completion may be verified by visiting PEC End User License Agreement.
Delivery: Classroom, On-Site
Duration: 4 hrs (1/2 Day)
Accredited By: PEC Safety, ANSI
Prerequisites: None
Hands-On: Demonstration Videos
Refresher: Yes - Required Annually
Price: Complete The Form below For Pricing | Group Discounts: (5 or more)
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